Rules & FAQ

These are the official rules for the Minecraft Server and Discord Server, along with our FAQ. Serious rulebreaking can result in temporary and permanent bans. There are many differences between the MC server rules and Discord server rules, so you should review them both.

Rule 1. You must follow Discord’s terms of service and community guidelines:
Community Guidelines:

Rule 2. Please respect all users, including moderators. Insulting, flame baiting, and other forms of trolling are not allowed. If you need help from a staff member, please use the helpop channel instead of messaging staff directly. Additionally, only ping staff members in case of emergencies.

Rule 3. The Discord Server is rated PG-13, which allows for the use of minor swearing within the Discord with the exception of the NSFW channels. The use of offensive/targeted slurs, along with any form of pornographic, violent, or controversial content is not allowed.

Rule 4. Advertising and Spam is not allowed. This includes self-promotion (outside of the Market channels), posting links to external websites, Youtube/Twitch channels, and posting links to other servers. Spam consists of, but is not limited to excessively sending messages and writing nonsense in the channels

Rule 5. Doxing or the posting of anyone’s private information is strictly prohibited. Posting full names, locations, or any identifying personal information is not allowed.

Rule 6. Safe Survival is an English-speaking server based in the United States. All channels both voice and text are English only.

Rule 7. Bypassing punishments with alternate Discord accounts is not allowed and will result in the punishment being applied to all accounts.

Redstone General

Redstone contraptions must be of reasonable size and can not contribute to lag. If redstone machines are too large or cause performance  troubles, they must be modified or removed.

Additionally, redstone machines can not be fully automatic. Redstone clocks must have a toggle, and can only be left running while within the area.

Entities & Limits

  • Animals / Active Mobs are limited to a max of 30 per chunk, Safe Survival’s Farm Limiter will prevent too many from spawning if they’re close to the limit.
  • Hoppers are limited to 70 per chunk and 300 in any 3×3 chunk region. (Minecart hoppers stack with this limit)
  • Chest Minecarts, and Minecarts are limited to 15 per chunk. Whereas hopper minecarts are limited to 20 per chunk.
  • Item frames are limited to 60 per chunk.
  • Dispensers, armor stands, paintings, stick pistons, and pistons are limited to 40 per chunk.
  • Droppers are limited to 60 per chunk.
  • Observers are limited to 200 per chunk.
  • Chests/Trapped Chests are limited to 300 per chunk (or 150 double chests)

Remember that a chunk is 16×16 wide and 384 blocks high. To see the chunk borders, use F3+G on your keyboard.

Redstone shops

  • Must be disabled when out of stock
  • Must dispense the advertised number of items
    • If a shop does not dispense the advertised number of items please contact a staff member.

Flying Machines

  • Must be default turned OFF.

Please note,  flying machines will not work over claim borders (including subclaim borders)

Farms, General

  • Automatic Farms are not allowed.
  • Must be activated by a player for a single harvest cycle per activation. And cannot be continuously running.
  • Farms must always have a default state of OFF.
  • For mob farms, mobs must be manually killed by the player for the final hit. When not in use, mobs must be prevented from spawning or immediately killed by lava, including all drops.
  • Minecarts and hopper minecarts cannot be left running, and should be turned off when not in use.

Iron Farms

  • Iron farms are limited to one per person or community.
  • Max 4 villager modules
  • Must have a default state of OFF (preventing golems to spawn)


I bought a rank for a nickname. How do I get one?

  • To set your own nick, use the command /nick desirednickhere
  • A comprehensive guide of the color codes can be found here.
  • Supporters are only allowed one nickname change per day. After using /nick, you’ll only be able to do it again after 24 hours.
  • Nicknames must abide by the general chat rules (must not contain offensive words, swearing, profanity or spam; excessive use of the black (&0) is also forbidden, being limited to 2 characters each in the entire nickname).
  • Nicknames must not be used to impersonate, confuse or attempt to scam/fool other players.
  • Punishments for violating the nickname rules are as follows:

1st. offense: 1 warn + nickname removed for the rest of the week.
2nd. offense: 1 warn + nickname removed for the rest of the week.
3rd. offense: 2 days ban + nickname removed for the rest of the week.
4th. offense onwards: /nick permissions revoked.

Can I transfer my pet to another player?

Unfortunately, no.

Do land claims expire?

Yes. The following rules apply to land claim expiration:

  • As a general rule, land claims expire in 90 days offline. After 90 days of inactivity, the claim will be deleted.
  • If a claim near a warp or spawn (500 blocks of admin claim border) has had no significant build or purpose given to it by its owner within 45 days of them acquiring it, it will be removed. A notice will be given 5 days in advance before it is removed. If the player begins developing the claim within that time period, they have an extra 20 days to finish building a substantial build. If there is still not a substantial build, the claim will be expired.
  • If you plan to be inactive for a period longer than 90 days, please notify a mod to preserve claims from 90 day expiration (see How Claim Expiration Is Handled for more details).
  • Players are allowed to request any Staff members for information regarding when a player was last seen. You are, however, limited to 2 requests per day.

Why won’t my player head update?

You can request to have a moderator update your head if it will not change on it’s own.  There is a limit of 3 requests per week, 3 heads maximum.